People once said computers would change the world, they will NOW
Speck sized computers will have another go. The image left, the computer fits easily on American one cent piece first came the Internet, now the world's smallest computer a little larger than a speck of dust, it spells revolution!
Smart dust definition
A 9 mm³ solar powered sensor has been created and developed at the University of Michigan USA is the very smallest they can harvest energy from its surroundings this means it should be able operate perpetually. The UM systems processor including solar cells and batteries are all contained in a tiny frame measuring 2.5 x 3.5 x 1 mm. It is over 1000 times smaller than comparable computers currently on the market.
Smart dust used to be defined in the sense of hypothetical. It's 2015 definition is becoming a reality, in network of tiny micro-electromechanical sensors (aka MEMS), robots or devices that can to detect a range of sensors, for example light temperature or vibrations.
Smart Dust
A 9 mm³ solar powered sensor has been created and developed at the University of Michigan USA is the very smallest they can harvest energy from its surroundings usually networked wirelessly. They are then distributed over some area to perform tasks, usually sensing.